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7 Causes of Hair Loss in Men
More than 70% of men face hair loss at some stage in their lives. The question is why is hair loss so common, and that too especially in men? Well, girls and women also suffer from some degree of hair loss, but they are lucky that baldness is not the word for them; Instead they suffer from evenly spread hair loss all over their scalp. Let us take a look at the reasons why all men have to face baldness.
1. Hair loss due to Balding gene
Genetics is by far the most important cause of hair thinning, especially in men. The DNA of most men has a balding gene that determines when and how they will lose hair. Indeed, among all men who experience hair loss, more than 70% of people face problems due to their good genes. If you see a lot of bald heads in your family, chances are high that you will end up getting your hair done even in old age. But heredity does not wait until the age of 50 for hair loss, it is until the mid-30s and a person in their late teens starts catching the latest. Genetic baldness is called androgenic alopecia.
Now a million dollar question is how is it determined that hair loss in a specific person is heredity? In most cases, a doctor can easily distinguish genetic hair loss from others by looking at hair patterns. It follows a specific pattern. It is therefore commonly referred to as male pattern baldness. Women also exhibit genetic hair losses and that too in a specific pattern, but they have a slightly different pattern known as female pattern baldness. There is a "Norwood classification" scale for measuring pattern baldness in men and women.
2. Uniform Hair Loss
Some men and many women experience uniform hair thinning in all areas of the head. This is generally more difficult to detect than male and female pattern baldness. The normal hair growth cycle is divided into three stages:
Anagen: The growth phase that lasts for about three years and the hair grows an average of half an inch per month.
Katogen: The second phase in which the hair is ready to move into the resting phase. During this phase a hair strand undergoes chemical changes and falls out.
Telogen: hair rest phase. It disappears for two to five months. About 10 percent of your telogen stages are at any given time.
This is why it is considered quite normal to shed up to 100 hairs daily. But people suffering from similar hair loss more than normal hair start going through a period of rest.
3. Hormonal hair loss
A hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main culprit of baldness in men. It is a derivative of the androgenic male hormone. In men suffering from hormonal hair loss, a certain amount of the male reproductive hormone testosterone is converted to DHT through a chemical process. There are some drugs that convert this conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Although these drugs show good results in preventing hormonal hair loss and restoring hair density, there is no permanent cure and symptoms begin to return as soon as you stop taking the medicine. The only way to permanently restore a fat head is through hair transplant surgery.
4. Diet - nutritional deficiency
Sometimes lack of nutrition can also cause hair thinning. Your body needs many nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B complex, and vitamin E) and omega 3 fatty acids for healthy growth of hair. Some minerals also play their role in keeping your hair healthy and strong. Important minerals include iron, selenium, silica, zinc, copper, and iodine. Losing any nutrients or minerals can adversely affect the health of your hair and can also lead to hair fall due to severe deficiency. To reverse nutritious hair loss, start eating a balanced diet so that you can take adequate amounts of the above mentioned nutrients and minerals. If you feel that diet alone cannot help you to meet the deficiencies, then you can always take supplements.
5. Tension
Stress is not only bad for your overall health, but also for your skin and hair. Men undergoing some physical or emotional trauma indicate hair loss several months after the event. So, if you are losing your locks for no apparent reason, look at your life if you have experienced a painful past few months or not. Fortunately, hair loss due to stress and anxiety is mostly reversible and most of the lost hair starts growing back as soon as the victim manages stress.
6. Smoking
Smoking can also contribute to accelerate thinning of hair. The chemicals present in cigarette smoke hinder the production of hair-forming proteins.
7. Environment and pollution
Pollution of environment can also trigger and accelerate hair thinning. Listed below are some environmental pollutants that contribute to hair loss.
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