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Hair Transplant: What to Know

 Hair Transplant: What to Know

Are you planning to have your hair transplanted? If you answered yes, then this guide is written just for you. In this guide we have highlighted some of the main questions that need crystal clear answers so that you can understand what you are expecting from this implant.

Hair transplant explanation

This surgery is a minimally outpatient invasive procedure that allows the patient to regain lost hair from new follicles implanted in your head. This treatment involves a procedure in which hair follicles from one side of your head (or other part of your body) are known as the donor site and are transplanted to the bald or recipient site.

Who can opt for a hair transplant

Any man or woman who is experiencing baldness, traction alopecia, recurring hairline, head trauma or male-pattern baldness can opt for this surgery and once again have permanent hair. Men who suffer from male pattern baldness, men or women who lose their hair due to fire accidents. Men know that drugs and medicines will not help them regain their hair.

Hair transplant procedure

Hair transplant is done in two ways. One is Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE and second is Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT. A brief description is given below:

Follicular unit extraction: FUE or follicular unit extraction is the more popular implant procedure of the two surgeries. The reason behind this is, it is less aggressive and the down-time is almost minimal. In FUE, the surgeon manually harvests each individual hair follicle from the donor area to the required area. This process is also known as grafting. If done correctly, a natural and uniform form is obtained.

Follicular Unit Transplant: FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation is the surgeon's procedure, which removes a strip of skin from the donor area with hair follicles attached to the recipient area. The skin is divided into small pieces and transplanted one by one into the recipient region.

Graft explanation

A graft is the removal of a strip of skin from the donor area that is surgically removed without touching the blood supply. Once transplanted into the recipient area, the skin develops a new blood supply.

Hair transplant period

Although it is verified procedure-wise, it still takes about 4 to 8 hours for surgery.

Expected Result

Just after the second or third week, the transplanted hairs fall out. This phase is known as 'shock loss' and completely normal. Many times, patients experience hair loss from areas that were not touched during surgery.

By the 6th or 8th week, approximately 85% to 95% of hair growth will become thicker after every cycle. The development cycle occurs every 6 weeks, depending on the patients' health status. Results can be seen till the 6th month and the complete final result of your treatment by the 12th month. By this time you will have a great distinction to show off.

Risk of transplant treatment

Although hair transplantation is the least invasive and the least medical procedure involving any risk, like any other surgery there are some risks associated with hair transplant such as fear, reddening of the skin or missing expected results. Transplanted hair is likely to be known as "shock loss", which is common in curing patients.

Where Else Can This Treatment Can Be Used

Apart from the head, you can also do this on the eyebrows, eyelids, abdomen, beard, chest and pubic area. Some also have to use this procedure of surgery to cover their scars.


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