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What Are The Main Reasons For Slow Hair Growth?

 What Are The Main Reasons For Slow Hair Growth?

It often happens that a woman has a strong desire to grow her hair quickly. Since many do not like hair extensions, there is only one option left - growing your own natural hair. In this case, development is a complex process that primarily requires great patience, continuity and continued effort. Nevertheless, it is possible to grow long hair at home.

Most people agree that long hair is attractive, however, growing long hair can be very slow because of the speed at which the growth of your hair is purely individual and genetically inherited in the human body. is. You may know people who say that their hair grows very fast, while others complain about the growth process because they need to put effort into making it. Child development of one or one and a half centimeters per month is considered an ideal. Excellent results occur when this parameter is equal to two or two and a half centimeters. Outside beauty and hairdressing salons are quite effective methods for rapid hair growth. But first you need to understand what affects this process.

The following internal and external factors affect the hair growth process:

Nutrition. Nutrients found in food such as vegetables, quail and chicken eggs, fruits, nuts, greens, fish, and vegetable oils have beneficial effects on hair growth. Note, your body must have optimal levels of water to stay hydrated and healthy.

Psychological condition. Stress and depression slow down hair growth. Therefore, you should get a good sleep, at least 30 minutes of exercise and as much rest as possible.

Health. The state of internal organs is directly related to the rate of hair growth known as the pituitary gland, thyroid and adrenal glands. Nevertheless, hairs react quickly to altered levels of hormones in the female body. Often, a woman loses her hair during pregnancy or breastfeeding which is a natural process for a pregnant or lactating mother. Hair also begins to grow slowly with the onset of menopause, and for this reason, it is difficult for an elderly person to get their hair out.

Mineral and Vitamin complexes and cosmetics. In pharmacies and stores that specialize in similar products, they are sold in a wide range. Apart from the fact that such complexes accelerate hair growth, they also improve the overall condition of the nails.

To comb daily. The process is simple, but necessary. The comb removes fading hair, which accelerates the growth of new hair, but keep in mind, the comb should be clean and gradual. It is recommended to start the comb from the ends, gradually increasing to the roots.

Fashion changes every year, but long and well-kept locks are always popular. Not all women can achieve voluntary and long hair.


First, it is the effect of hormonal rearrangement. The optimal amount of estrogen (the female hormone) combines silky hair, giving them a healthy appearance. If the hormone is low, it makes the hair dry and lifeless.

Secondly, hair grows slowly due to bad habits (smoking and alcohol). It is better to get rid of once and for all.

Thirdly, people (including industry professionals) say that washing your hair repeatedly is not a good thing, but they forget to consider the fact that when the pores on the scalp are closed, it is your natural hair. Causes more damage to. The hair bulb starts to suffer from lack of oxygen, which results in hair loss. It is recommended to wash the hair when you see the roots getting dirty. Meanwhile, any kind of backwash, hair dryer, tweezers, frequent coloring and ironing can provoke a slowdown in hair growth.

Fourth, some hair problems slow down the average speed of growth and cause hair loss. In this case, you should always consult a hair specialist.


As you have seen, the internal state of the human body plays a great role in the growth of strong and healthy hair. However, not everyone has a strong individual organism. We specified several factors that we can apply in our daily lives not only to maintain a strong body but also to promote hair growth. Please remember, a good sleep and healthy nutrition are always important factors for a strong body and, as a result, healthy hair.

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